Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

ActivewearUSA buys assets of Asana Activewear

ActivewearUSA announced it has acquired the assets of Asana Activewear, a Charlotte, NC based company that sells high end women’s performance activewear.

Through this acquisition, ActivewearUSA expands its business with a very strong customer base in the Charlotte area. The acquisition will also see the activewear brand portfolio of ActivewearUSA grow by 30 percent.

"The acquisition of Asana Activewear is very much aligned with ActivewearUSA’s initiative to build strong relationships with local communities” says Avi Woolman, Founder and CEO of ActivewearUSA. “Asana Activewear has very strong relationships with the local Charlotte fitness community and we look forward to building on that as we move forward.”

As part of the acquisition, Gary Schwake, President of Asana Activewear, will join the advisory board of ActivewearUSA.

“We are delighted with the acquisition”, says Gary Schwake. “This will allow our customers to buy the greatest activewear brands from a local Charlotte company with a strong focus on customer service. Moreover sells activewear brands that our clientele is already familiar with, such as Margarita Activewear, ION Actif, MPG and many more.”

Read More about ActivewearUSA buys assets of Asana Activewear @ Fibre2fashion

Exibições: 97


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