Stronger together! The Première Vision Pluriel shows again reaffirm the strength of their unique ensemble.
For the edition that just closed (8-10 February 2011), attendance climbed by 6.5% compared to the February 2010 session, with 55,792 visits by fashion professionals from over 100 countries. This remarkable vitality was driven by the dynamism of each individual show, with all six events (Expofil, Première Vision, Indigo, Le Cuir à Paris, ModAmont, Zoom by Fatex) registering increases. The rise in numbers was accompanied by a very positive business climate at all the shows.
Beyond the enthusiastic reception for the season's new creations and innovations, discussion in the aisles and stands focussed on the soaring prices of raw materials and supplies. This is an issue of uncertainty and often concern for fashion sector businesses, and will surely play a major role in the markets in the coming months.
An excellent ambiance prevailed at the Indigo Fashion edition, which continued to see visitor increases and sustained business activity. Some 13,572 visits were registered in February 2011, a rise of 9% over the corresponding 2010 edition. The accumulated result of the 3 days is greater than that of the 4-day edition in February 2010, and shows a particularly high visitor-to- exhibitor ratio for the sector, a cause for cheer among the 156 exhibitors at the show. When compared with last September, the first 3-day session, the increase was equally notable (+ 20%). While the American editions of Indigo saw a recovery in the market for textile patterns as of the January 2010 edition of Direction by Indigo, this Paris session confirms the return of the international Technical Textile market to practically pre-crisis levels.
Read more about Blue skies over Indigo @ Fibre2fashion
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