Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Asda offers limited edition Big Jubilee Lunch t-shirt

Ladies, you may be ready to wave your flag and hang up your bunting, but do you look the part for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations? Asda, the retail partner for The Big Jubilee Lunch, is offering shoppers an official, limited edition Big Jubilee Lunch t-shirt, designed by George and made in Britain as part of the supermarket's range of womens clothing.

This fitted white t-shirt, with a fun and bold Union Jack heart design, is great for so many occasions and perfect to wear at your jubilee celebrations this summer.

£2.50 from the sale of each t-shirt will be split between two charities; the Eden Project founders of The Big Lunch and also Fields in Trust, a charity the Duke of Cambridge patrons, which protects playing fields and outdoor recreational spaces, providing a place for future generations to enjoy.

Peter Stewart, Campaign and Communications Director for The Eden Project commented: "The Big Jubilee Lunch t-shirt is a fantastic way to show support and help get into the spirit of lunching with neighbours to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. By buying a t-shirt shoppers will not only look the part, but they're also raising invaluable funds for two amazing charities.



Read More about Asda offers limited edition Big Jubilee Lunch t-shirt @ Fibre2fashion

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