Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

assist you all to buy from factories in china or to set up enterprises here soon

i am from Guangzhou,China I am looking for people that would be interested in trading,law or business in China! Min mobile:0086-13926031779

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Comentário de min em 12 janeiro 2009 às 23:21
Hi,i am from Guangzhou,China

How is your business going?

I am looking for people that would be interested in trading or investing in China!

Please check my website at: for reference

Comentário de min em 28 novembro 2008 às 13:12
what do you mean?
Comentário de jorge miguel em 28 novembro 2008 às 12:48
I would like to know, but for your parents, we will contact the acora a lot of their parents, I would like to buy Aquiri in the sale of my parents a hug Brazil

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