Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Cricket World Cup troubling garment sector

The Bangladesh government’s order of keeping the factories closed during the cricket World Cup matches, has been strongly opposed by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), which claimed that, Bangladesh’s economy would be adversely affected by this move.

In order to ensure that power failure does not cause any trouble to the enthusiastic cricket lovers watching the match on television, the garment factory owners have been directed to keep their units closed for six hours every day during evening, till conclusion of the final match on April 2.

Such an order has infuriated the five thousand garment exporters in the country. The BGMEA has forwarded a letter to the Prime Minister wherein it has claimed that, such closure has posed a threat to the country’s business reputation.

Also, they have mentioned that, the garment units have already started experiencing the heat of the order, which if not withdrawn at once would not allow them to fulfil their export commitments, in time, BGMEA said.

All the garment firms have already made export commitments, and if they fail to timely ship these orders, it would infuriate the buyers. This would certainly undermine the country’s image of being a leading garment exporter, it added. 


Read more about Cricket World Cup troubling garment sector @ Fibre2fashion

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