On August 5, Freshpair will celebrate the 9th Annual National Underwear Day by urging Americans to throw away their underwear! According to a recent Freshpair poll, 73% of Americans wear stained, overstretched, hole-y underwear that is well past its expiration date.
Our solution: celebrate National Underwear Day 2011 by giving away 5,000 pairs of underwear to men and women all across the country, from August 1-31st to replace this unfit underwear with a fresh pair. Sound familiar? It should! Last year, startled by the fact that 80% of Americans wear the same style of underwear their entire adult lives, we gave away 5,000 pairs with the chance to try something new.
Since then, we’ve successfully lowered that to 79.9999%, and this year, we’re continuing our mission to show people just how great new underwear can be.
"People think just because you can’t see their underwear, it doesn’t matter how it looks. National Underwear Day changes that opinion, year after year. Last year's response was huge, so we know people are open to change,” says Freshpair President Matthew Butlein.
Regardless of how many pairs they own, the average American man or woman alternates between the same 10 pairs of underwear or panties, each one clocking approximately 900 hours of wear a year. That’s five weeks worth of sweating, stretching and being sat on. Factor in roughly 60 wash and dry cycles, and it’s a miracle they’re still in one piece.
Read More about Freshpair to celebrate ‘National Underwear Day’ @ Fibre2fashion
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