Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Sexy, sophisticated Tribal Princess Collection to hit AFWNY

As Africa Fashion Week New York (AFWNY) draws ever so close, Adirée is pleased to present Tori Famuyiwa’s newest collection. AFWNY, produced by Adirée will take place July 14th, 15th, and 16th in the Broad Street Ballroom in NYC’s financial district.

Beautiful things inspire Tori Famuyiwa. These inspirations are derived from mundane, everyday objects and memories of his surroundings growing up in West Africa. Famuyiwa works diligently is conveying this beauty in every piece of work he creates. Famuyiwa will launch his Tribal Princess collection at Africa Fashion Week New York.

“Famuyiwa is fun, flirty, and yes, as a fashion designers he truly believes in dressing everyone woman like the princess she is. I believe many will enjoy his collection and appreciate his approach,” says Adiat Disu, director of Africa Fashion Week in NY.


Read More about Sexy, sophisticated Tribal Princess Collection to hit AFWNY @ Fibre2fashion

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