Esta notícia, se confirmada, é muito preocupante e pode ser o início de uma mega crise. Os EUA ( não lembro as datas de referencia) aumentou a emissão de moeda em mais de 300 %. O Reino Unido emitiu em mais de 200%. A UE emitiu apenas 33%. Quando a emissãodemoeda newstes níveis não resulta em inflação há algo muito sério acontecendo. Será que a Alemanha entende que eles são os únicos Alemães do planeta e que o mundo é constituido de diversidades. Eles já trouxeram o caos para a Europa partir de 39.Não bastou?
Estive em Portugal recentemente. Lá eles demitiram 18.000 professores e cortaram em 30% os salários dos professores das Universidades. Estes são só exemplos . Mas tem mais. Não vejo saída que não seja caótica
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" A Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) “urgent bulletin” being sent to Embassies around the world today is advising both Russian citizens and companies to begin divesting their assets from Western banking and financial institutions “immediately” as Kremlin fears grow that both the European Union and United States are preparing for the largest theft of private wealth in modern history.
According to this “urgent bulletin,” this warning is being made at the behest of Prime Minister Medvedev who earlier today warned against the Western banking systems actions against EU Member Cyprus by stating:
“All possible mistakes that could be made have been made by them, the measure that was proposed is of a confiscation nature, and unprecedented in its character. I can’t compare it with anything but … decisions made by Soviet authorities … when they didn’t think much about the savings of their population. But we are living in the 21st century, under market economic conditions. Everybody has been insisting that ownership rights should be respected.”
Medvedev’s statements echo those of President Putin who, likewise, warned about the EU’s unprecedented private asset grab in Cyprus calling it “unjust, unprofessional, and dangerous.”
In our 17 March report “Europe Recoils In Shock After Bankster Raid, US Warned Is Next” we noted how Russian entities have €23-31 billion ($30-$40) in cross-border loans to Cypriot companies tied to Moscow, and €9 billion ($12 billion) on deposit with Cypriot banks [as compared to the €127 billion ($166 billion) being kept in similar circumstances by ...] which are in danger of being confiscated by EU banksters.
Unbowed by the misery they have inflicted upon the entire continent, however, and in spite of Russian warnings, European Union officials hardened their stance against Cyprus today by announcing that if the Cypriot government did not allow the raiding of private bank accounts by Monday they would be forced to destroy their banks, which remain closed for the seventh straight day and have no signs of opening soon "
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