Diego Teixeira Suhet ainda não recebeu nenhum presente
Postado em 28 maio 2009 às 10:29 6 Comentários 0 Curtiram isto
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Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI
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Parabéns e feliz aniversário!
Desejo-lhe muita saúde e energias para que você possa conquistar e realizar todos os seus sonhos nessa nova fase da sua vida.
Tadeu Artur Cavedem
Palestrante motivacional
We would like to introduce ourselves, STYLEWIZ-inc is an organization with a formation of a group of Professionals involved as a Knitted and Woven garments for Mens, Womens, Kids & Infants wears, under garments & home textiles and buying & inspection agencies. The team in Tiruppur provides extended services in Sourcing (Yarn, Fabric, Accessories & Garments), Merchandising and Quality assurance for our esteemed partners and clients throughout the world. Normally in our field the sheer consequence of wrong specification or interpretation of meanings can be cataclysmic.
Pls see our company PROFILE through our official website www.STYLEWIZ-inc.com for your kind perusal.
Download our PROFILE Catalog for your ref: http://www.stylewiz-inc.com/profile/catalog.pdf
Pls send your product details through mail : gv@StyleWiz-inc.com