Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Nike unveils 'Environmental Apparel Design' software

In an effort to further industry sustainability efforts, NIKE Inc released its Environmental Apparel Design Tool. Based on Nike's Considered Design Index, the release of the tool aims to accelerate collaboration between companies, fast-track sustainable innovation and decrease the use of natural resources like oil and water.

Designed and built by Nike over seven years with a six million dollar investment, the software-based Environmental Apparel Design Tool helps designers to make real time choices that decrease the environmental impacts of their work.

Recognizing the decline of natural resources and the need to move to a low-carbon economy, the tool is a practical way to rate how apparel designs score in reducing waste and increasing the use of environmentally preferred materials while allowing the designers to make real time adjustments.

Nike is committed to open innovation and welcomes others building and improving on this tool.

"This tool is about making it simple for designers to make the most sustainable choices right at the start of the product creation process. Over the past four years it has proved to be invaluable at Nike and has helped us create products with a higher sustainability standard," said Hannah Jones, Vice President of Nike Sustainable Business and Innovation.

Read more about Nike unveils 'Environmental Apparel Design' software @ Fibre2fashion

Exibições: 67


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