Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Superior Uniform receives Top Innovator Status

Superior Uniform Group Inc, designer and manufacturer of uniforms, image apparel and accessories, announced it has been recognized by Apparel Publications Magazine as a 2011 Top Innovator for the launch of the interactive apparel division, everyBODY media.

Apparel’s fourth annual Top Innovators Award honors companies in the apparel industry for demonstrating innovation and exceptionality through technology, new products or other outstanding executed business strategy. This year, Superior Uniform Group was recognized for its recent launch of everyBODY media. everyBODY media was created to address the changing path to purchase model and incorporates a mobile component, taking uniforms into the future.

Unlike anything previously seen in the retail, food service or entertainment marketplaces, everyBODY media, powered by Eyelevel Interactive, offers image apparel and uniforms containing a patented Switch-It fabric panel printed with a promotional message and a smart phone EI Tag based on Microsoft's Mobile Action Code technology. These unique garments provide opportunities for consumer engagement directly at the point of purchase with exclusive, mobile activated, in-store deals, contests, online videos or other engaging touch points.


Read More about Superior Uniform receives Top Innovator Status @ Fibre2fashion

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