COMENTÁRIO: Fala-se que os EUA "exportaram" sua indústria têxtil para a Ásia.No entanto,vejam quantas oportunidades existem para educação têxtil ( e áreas correlatas) nos EUA, com formação , inclusive, em várias, no nível de pós graduação. Aqui nesta terra selvagem , onde Macunaíma é o herói nacional,, hoje dominada por bicheiros que compram políticos e juízese dizem o preço certo para compra-los, faz-se intervenção em escola têxtil destruindo o pouco que há , onde o setor têxtil caracteriza-se por ser UM DESERTO DE CÉREBROS.Eu me pergunto para que serve a ABIT que eu acreditava vinha se tranformando em algo mais que um local para tomar um bom whisky , como era um par de décadas atrás
Educational Opportunities
Photo courtesy of Cornell University
For submission to this site email the editor. Submissions will be posted at the sole discretion of the Textile Society of America.
University Degree programs
Academy of Art University
School of Fashion
San Francisco, CA
Associate, B.F.A., and M.F.A. degrees in Fashion.
Textile Design, Fashion Journalism, Green Design, Visual Merchandising, and Sustainable Design.
Australian National University
Art History and Curatorship Program
Canberra, Australia;details.html
International textile history course
Berea College
Department of Art
Berea, Kentucky
B.A.(in art)
Weaving, surface design, 3D forms, embellishment, AVL loom, sewing
California College of the Arts
Textile Program
Oakland & San Francisco, CA
B.A., M.F.A.
Surface design, weaving, computer jacquard loom, fiber sculpture, dye technology, textile history, installation
California State University - Long Beach
Art Department, Fiber Program
Long Beach, California
B.F.A., M.F.A
Fiber as a fine art media including surface, weaving, paper, book and combined sculptural media.
College for Creative Studies
Detroit, Michigan
Crafts Department, Fiber Design
Cornell University
Department of Textiles and Apparel
Ithaca, New York
B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D.
Apparel and textile management, fiber science
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Department of Fibers
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Fiber and related material studies
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Art
B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A.
Textiles, weaving, surface design, felt making, dyeing, jacquard design
Fashion Institute of Technology
New York, New York
A.A.S.,B.F.A., M.A.
Textile and surface design, museum studiescostume and textiles, textile conservation
Indiana University-Bloomington
Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design
B.S., M.S.
Apparel merchandising, interior design
Iowa State University
Department of Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management- Textiles & clothing Program
Ames, Iowa
M.S., Ph.D.
Ethnic textiles, artisan groups & marketing, historic costume & textiles, entrepreneurship, cultural & social aspects of dress
Iowa State University
Integrated Studio Arts
Surface design, hand-weaving, hand-printing, embellishment, digital printing for textiles.
Kent State University
School of Art
B.A., B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A.
Textile Art and Design: weaving, digital jacquard, felt making, fabric printing and dyeing
Kyoto City University of Arts
Department of Textiles
Kyoto, Japan
M.S., Ph.D.
Weaving, dyeing
North Carolina State University
College of Design
Art + Design: Fibers and Surface Design
Weaving, Fiber Arts, Surface Design
College of Textiles
Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management
Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science
Anni Albers Scholars Program
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Department of Textiles
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B.F.A., M.F.A.
Weaving, computer jacquard loom, dyeing, printing
Otago Polytechnic School of Art
School of Art and Technology- Textiles
Dunedin, New Zealand
B.F.A., M.F.A.
Textiles, printing, weaving, stitching, hand construction
Parsons The New School for Design
Fashion Merchandising/Marketing (AAS)
Fashion Design (BFA)
Fashion Design and Society (MFA)
Fashion Studies (MA)
University of Otago
Clothing and Textile Sciences
Dunedin, New Zealand
BSc, MSc, PhD Programmes
properties of fibres, yarns and fabrics; design and performance; evaluation of fabrics and apparel; meanings of dress within a cultural and historical context; theoretical perspectives; conservation; apparel manufacturing, marketing and distribution.
The Ohio State University
Department of Consumer Sciences
Columbus, Ohio
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Dress studies; archeological & historical textiles
Philadelphia University
Department of Textile Design
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B.S., M.S.
Technical and design aspects of printed, woven and knitted textiles
Purdue University
Department of Visual & Performing Arts-
Division of Art & Design
West Lafayette, Indiana
B.A., M.F.A.
Fiber art, woven textile design, computerized Jacquard weaving
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Department of Textiles
Providence, Rhode Island
B.F.A., M.F.A.
Woven, printed, and knitted design, apparel design
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Department of Art & Design
Edwardsville, Illinois
B.F.A., B.A., M.F.A.
Weaving, surface design, papermaking, basketry, book binding
University of Arizona
School of Art-Fibers area
Tucson, Arizona
B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A.
Fibers as fine art medium, combined media
University of California – Davis
Textiles and Clothing
B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D.
University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art—Fabric Design
Athens, Georgia
Weaving, surface design, sculptural fibers, history of fabrics, textile study collection
University of Kansas
Department of Art & Design
Lawrence, KS
B.F.A., M.F.A.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Department of History Department
Amherst, Massachusetts
History of Oriental carpets course
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Department of Artisanry/Design
Textile Design/Fiber Arts Program
BFA Artisanry-Textile Design/Fibers; MFA Artisanry/Fiber Arts
Textile design, surface design, weaving and off-loom constructions,
CAD, fiber art, sewn structures, history of textiles
University of Michigan
School of Art & Design
Ann Arbor, Michigan
B.F.A., M.F.A., M.A.
Woven design, tapestry, complex weaves, computer design
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Textiles, Clothing & Design
Lincoln, Nebraska
Textile history, textile science, quilt studies
University of Rhode Island
Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising & Design
Kingston, Rhode Island
B.S., M.S. Textile science, historic textiles & costume, apparel design, fashion merchandising, textile conservation
Savannah College of Art & Design
Savannah, GA
Interdisciplinary, experimental and sustainable approaches to art, craft, design and production through weaving, print & pattern, color, structure, materials and textile history.
University of Southampton,
Department of History of Art-Design
Winchester, United Kingdom
B.A., M.A.
History of textiles and dress; textile art; textile design; textile conservation
University of Washington
Department of Art- Fibers
Seattle, Washington
Fibers, JacqCAD, materials research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Craft/Material Studies – Fiber
Richmond, VA
(804) 828-1477
B.F.A., M.F.A
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison Wisconsin
Department of Environment, Textile, & Design
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Textile & apparel design, material culture
Prezado Edison. Sou solidário ao seu inconformismo e sua análise crítica. Lamento pelos problemas aos quais o CITIQT está passando e espero que se possa chegar ao bom senso. Impressionante a lista de instituições por você enumeradas e se fizer esta busca na Europa também vai encontrar muita coisa. Porém, apesar das dificuldades, não podemos deixar de orgulhosamente listar nossas instituições. No nível técnico, o sistema SENAI já fez e ainda pode fazer muita coisa. Eu mesmo posso dizer que se estou nesta área, devo minha introdução neste setor ao SENAI Têxtil de São Paulo. No nível superior temos hoje várias escolas. São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Norte, são algumas que agora me vem de memória. Não posso deixar de citar a FEI, onde me graduei e hoje leciono. São 45 anos formando engenheiros têxteis. Acredito que seja o mais longevo curso de Engenharia Têxtil do Brasil. Também temos o curso de Pós-Graduação em processos têxteis. Reconheço que a tradição deste curso é por exclusivo esforço e dedicação da Fundação mantenedora da FEI, pois a distância entre as entidades empresariais, tais como a ABIT, e o mundo acadêmico é enorme.
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