Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano XVI

Blog de Fibre2fashion -- maio 2013 Arquivo (7)

Smart textiles & 3D printing enters fashion world

With the merging of science and fashion, a new era of smart textiles and wearable electronics has begun to rule the fashion world. Several fashion designers, including Jennifer Darmour, Linda Franco and Helen Storey, have created soft circuit integrated clothing that responds to the gesture and movement of the…

Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 31 maio 2013 às 10:38 — Sem comentários

Vogue Window Fashion debuts ?Stroheim Fabric Collection?


Vogue Window Fashion, a firm synonymous with exquisite custom draperies and stunning custom curtains debuted the Stroheim fabric collection earlier this week at their New…

Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 29 maio 2013 às 1:21 — Sem comentários

UKFT announces NatWest awards winners

The winners of the prestigious NatWest UK Fashion & Textile Awards 2013 have been announced with industry visionary, Nadja Swarovski, collecting the Outstanding Achievement Award for her exceptional contribution to the fashion industry.…


Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 24 maio 2013 às 10:34 — Sem comentários

FC Barcelona introduces Nike home & away kits

FC Barcelona next season will play in new Nike home and away kits combining the club’s renowned tradition with their modern and progressive approach, creating a distinctly…

Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 22 maio 2013 às 10:31 — Sem comentários

Hugo Boss Brand Story is now LIVE on Fibre2fashion!




Fashiongear - the emerging portal on the global fashion industry has recently updated its ‘Brand Story’ section with a…

Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 15 maio 2013 às 8:57 — Sem comentários

Fibre2fashion offers smart sourcing platform for buyers



 To bridge the gap between buyers and suppliers of textiles, fibre2fashion the number-1 global B2B textile, apparel and fashion…


Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 13 maio 2013 às 2:18 — Sem comentários

Spanish apparel retailer stitches plans to enter India


Several global players in the fashion and apparel retail sector, including Tesco, IKEA, Walmart and Hennes & Mauritz group (H&M), are planning to expand their…

Adicionado por Fibre2fashion em 6 maio 2013 às 10:54 — Sem comentários

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